Linda LaRue’s CORE TRANSFORMER: Target & tone your deepest core muscles, burn belly fat fast and train your ENTIRE body too! It’s smart training made simple.
The CORE TRANSFORMER 3D 1,000 Calorie BURN Kit featuring Linda LaRue RN MEd, ATC, Exercise Physiologist Raneir Pollard, CPT ACSM and Teri Ann Krefting, one of CRUNCH Hollywood’s top group exercise instructors is here!
Burn 1,000 calories per hour!
If you want to get flat, sculpted abs you have to do two, separate workouts. One, strength training to sculpt your abs flat. The second, hours of intense aerobic workouts to help shed that stubborn, top layer of belly fat.
Developed by core performance guru, Linda LaRue RN MEd, ATC, The CORE TRANSFORMER® is a revolutionary new, workout that torches off that top layer of belly fat fast by BURNING an incredible 1,000 calories per hour! (Testing by Body Bugg analysis.) And, it also target tones your deepest core muscles, just like a laser, along with your entire body too.
The uniquely patented, 3-dimensional, CORE TRANSFORMER® rubber tubing system creates a constant resistance that keeps you in your customized fat-burning zone. You’ll build lean muscle in all the right places, plus sculpt your shoulders, tame that triceps jiggle, build a tighter butt, a strong back, and of course, flat, chiseled abs. You'll see results in one month or less—guaranteed!
The uniquely patented, 3-dimensional, CORE TRANSFORMER® rubber tubing system creates a constant resistance that keeps you in your customized fat-burning zone. You’ll build lean muscle in all the right places, plus sculpt your shoulders, tame that triceps jiggle, build a tighter butt, a strong back, and of course, flat, chiseled abs. You'll see results in one month or less—guaranteed!