*For Linda LaRue's Make Healthy A Lifestyle Breakfast Bruschetta with Basil-Parmesan Scrambled Egg Whites and High Protein Pumpkin Pancake recipe, see Recipes and Nutrition @www.LindaLaRue.com.
Begin your day with a healthy, balanced breakfast. Yes, breakfast is the MOST important meal of your day. Don’t skip meals or snacks, especially breakfast—you’ll actually activate your body’s starvation response, which will slow down your metabolic rate! A healthy, balanced breakfast will give your body the right fuel to keep your energy soaring, keep your body functioning optimally, and burning calories most efficiently.
When you first wake have a glass of 6 to 8 ounces. It will help rehydrate the body and stimulate the elimination process most efficiently. (Drinking water when you first wake is popular in Western cultures, such as Japan and India.) Here is a week of healthy breakfasts to help you begin your day and New Year off right.
Sunday: *Breakfast Bruschetta with basil-parmesan scrambled eqq whites. To drink, have 1 cup coffee or your favorite tea. (Bruschetta recipe click here.)
Monday Breakfast: ¾ cup of steel-cut (not instant) oatmeal, 3 scrambled egg whites, and ½ cups of fresh or frozen blueberries. To drink, have 1 cup coffee with low-fat milk or your favorite tea. Due to it's high fiber content and high levels of certain fat-burning antioxidants, it may be considered a "fat burning" food. Plus, it will fill you up, so you won’t feel starved then, want to reach for something unhealthy.
Tuesday: 2 slices whole grain bread, such as Ezekiel @www.foodforlife.com, 2 tsp. almond butter, 1 T. dried cranberries. Toast break then, spread 1 slice w/almond butter and sprinkle cranberries. Top w/other slice to make a sandwich then, cut diagonally. To drink, have 1 cup coffee w/low-fat milk or tea.
Wednesday: TLT (Turkey Bacon, Lettuce, and Tomato Sandwich) 3 slices cooked lean turkey bacon, toast 2 slices whole grain bread, lettuce, and 1 tsp. low fat mayonnaise. Spread 1 toasted slice of bread with low fat mayo, and set aside. Place slice bread then, top with 2 thick slices tomato, lettuce, lean turkey bacon then, top with other slice of bread w/mayo. Slice in ½. To drink, have 1 cup coffee with low-fat milk or your favorite tea.
Thursday: 1 Whole Wheat, Oatmeal, and Raisin Muffin (recipe taken from The SOUPer Slim Diet ebook), 2 tsp. almond butter
Friday: 2 High Protein Pumpkin Pancakes, and 1 T organic, unprocessed agave syrup. To drink, have 1 cup coffee w/low-fat milk or your favorite tea. ( Hi Pumpkin Pancake recipe click here.)
Saturday: 1 Whole Wheat, Oatmeal and Raisen Muffin and 6 oz. high protein blueberry smoothie. (see for recipe that is taken from The SOUPer Slim Diet ebook).