By Linda LaRue, RN MEd, ATC
Creator Crunchless Abs and The CORE TRANSFORMER
Today’s post at Fit Bottomed Girls is written by core performance guru, Linda LaRue. Linda is the creator of Crunchless Abs and the new, constant resistance, 3-dimensional workout, The CORE TRANSFORMER, which burns nearly 1,000 calories per hour.
Recently, I had dinner with one of my BFFs Stacy Small. We were both yapping about the recession, how it’s been affecting our businesses, and what we’ve been doing to market ourselves. Stacy mentioned that every December for the past few years, she’s been making a vision board. She said her vision board really helped her define, focus and successfully achieve her goals. (You know even Oprah makes a vision board?) I like the dream-board concept because you have words and pictures, thereby creating more sensory stimulation and focused visualization.
A vision board is a collage of images, pictures, and written affirmations of the intentions and desires you wish to achieve. It helps you through visualization, thus activating the Universal Law of Attraction, or “likes attract like.” This means that the more you focus and think about something, the more likely it is to materialize and happen in your life. While mine has focused on business goals in the past, just think of what they can do for your personal, health and weight-loss goals. The sky is the limit!
How to Make Your Healthy Vision Board
1. Hone in on your goals. Take a couple days to percolate and meditate in a quiet place about what personal and professional goals you’d like to manifest and successfully achieve in the New Year. I usually choose no more than three to four as this keeps me focused and not overwhelmed. Before I go to bed at night, I also ask myself what are my goals?
2. Gather your supplies. After you are clear about your goals, you’ll need a few things, including a poster board, a glue stick, pictures from old magazines (use your old ones, get them from friends, hair salons and doctor’s offices), photographs and/or printed from the internet.
3. Find what speaks to you. Go through the images and begin to cut out photos, words and phrases that intuitively resonate with you and your new goals. Then, lay them out on the board—but do not glue them yet. Leave a space in the middle to place a favorite photo of yourself. (If you have gained weight, and one of your goals is weight-loss, post a photo of yourself when you were at your ideal, comfortable weight.)
4. Be specific. Try to be specific about the photos and words you select. For example, if you want to make more money in your job, use green dollar signs around your job picture. If you want a new car, place a photo of the car in the color you want. If you want to complete a race, find pictures of that specific race.
5. Get to gluing! When you feel comfortable with the photos and words, glue them to your board. Almost done!
6. Look at it daily. Hang your new dream board in a place where you can see it often. You don’t have to stare at it every day by any means, but at least glance at it one or two times a day so that your goals are always top-of-mind!
I hope you have fun while getting clear about your intentions and goals this year—especially losing weight and getting fit! —Linda LaRue
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