By Jennifer Walters Fit Bottomed Girls article reprint from Opposing Views
So you say you want a workout challenge, eh? Well, we have 10 of them—our top 10 list of the hardest workout DVDs we’ve ever reviewed. Hold on to your fit butts—it’s about to get crazy hawd in here!
1. Jillian Michaels’ No More Trouble Zones: Jillian always brings the good pain. And this workout DVD gives you a mix of strength and cardio that is uber challenging!
2. Bob Harper Inside Out Method: Bob’s Workout: Oh, Bob, how we love yet hate thee, let us count the workout ways. Even after doing this strength-cardio workout DVD regularly for three months, it still kicks my ass.
3. Personal Training with Jackie: Crunch-Free Xtreme Abs: There’s only one word to describe this crunchless abs DVD: Ouch! And, of course, that’s in a good way. With two quick workouts, your abs will definitely feel the burn and the soreness. Oh, the soreness!
4. Exhale Core Fusion Body Sculpt: This Pilates- and dance-based workout DVD is no joke. You may not think it’s that hard with all the stretching and breaks, but trust us. It’ll work you in new fabulously challenging ways.
5. Mindy Mylrea’s Action Packed/Interval Express: Mindy Mylrea is a total bad ass. While you can’t really go wrong with any of her workout DVDs, we found this interval workout DVD to be particularly awe-inspiring (just how does she do it?) and something to aspire to.
6. Fitness by Cathe: Cardio+Weights 4-Day Split: Right up there with Mindy Mylrea in crazy-fit instructor-dom is Cathe Friedrick. With endless variety, this heavy strength DVD challenges and then some.
7. Jillian Michaels’ 30 Day Shred: Jillian makes the list again! We just couldn’t leave this hard-workout DVD standby off the list. With three 25-minute workouts that progress in intensity (read: darn near impossibleness), it’s an oldie but a goodie!
8. The CORE TRANSFORMER: Say goodbye to crunches and hello to full-body three-dimensional core training with this incredibly intense workout DVD that runs you through sports-specific moves and tons of plyometrics!
9. Pure Barre Pershing Square: If you’ve ever wanted the body of a ballerina, now is your chance with this Barre DVD. But let us warn you, getting there is hard, hard, hard! Expect your legs to feel like they’ll fall off. Fun, fun!
10. Jari Love: Get Ripped 1,000: While we’re still not convinced that this hour-long workout DVD will burn 1,000 calories for most women, we still think it’s awesome. And its advanced strength and cardio moves are enough to get the sweat pouring!
Have a workout that kicks your arse? Tell us about it in the comments! And be sure to also check out our top 10 favorite intermediate fitness and beginner workout DVDs! —Jenn
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