Thursday, October 9, 2008

Green Money $aving Workout $olutions

We all agree that we need to do a better job conserving our planet’s limited resources. Where do you begin? Here are 3 simple solutions that will help you get green into your workout routine without much effort at all. These eco-friendly changes are easy switches that will save you time and lots of money! How easy is that?  In these challenging economic times these simple switches will keep your hard-earned money in your pocket.  And remember, Soup Makes Cents!

  1. Use organic cotton and/or bamboo towels. Lots of discount retailers are now selling eco-friendly towels, such as organic cotton, bamboo, or organic cotton-bamboo blend. For example Bed, Bath, and Beyond, a nationwide retail store, sells them for reasonable prices. They routinely offer 20% coupon specials, which make the towels even more affordable. And, bamboo towels are extremely soft, luxuriant, and absorbent.
  2. Buy biodegradable body wash and shampoo in bulk, which will save you money and decrease bottle use. Then, fill them into smaller, personal-use size reusable bottles. (Most major discount retailers sell biodegradable body wash and shampoo in bulk and oftentimes run brand-name specials.)
  3. Buy a recyclable water bottle instead of plastic one-use water bottles. Recyclable water bottles will save you big bucks in the long run, as most designer waters are very expensive. Many individual 16-ounce designer waters that include minerals and vitamins are now over $2.00 a bottle. These outrageously overpriced waters are unnecessary, as you can obtain all your vitamins and minerals by eating a sensible diet along with taking a daily multivitamin. 
Did you know that according to the Container Recycling Institute only 23% of plastic bottles are recycled in the US? 38 billion plastic bottles go into landfills in the US each year. Plastic bottles take up to 1000 years to biodegrade. I recommend these two recyclable water bottle companies: and Do the math. A one-time purchase of a Sigg or Klean Kanteen bottle versus expensively overpriced designer water in a one-use plastic bottle? I’m sure you’ll become a convert like me, and switch to using a recyclable water bottle because every little bit helps.

1 comment:

Craig said...

I'm a registered Yoga instructor and long-time eco-friendly "maverick" and highly recommend checking out Turning Life to find many of the product and lifestyle choices Linda mentions in her article.

Keepin' it Green!